Stikle Tie Necklace with Gold-Plated Heart Pendant

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  • Materials: Braided cord, gold-plated brass heart pendant
  • Length: 120 cm
  • Style: Creative, individual, cohesive

This versatile necklace allows you to adapt it to your mood and appearance. It becomes not only a stylish accessory but also a tool for your creative expression. This necklace will undoubtedly accentuate your uniqueness and allow you to shine wherever you wear it.


Description: This unique necklace not only complements your stylish look but also allows you to express your creativity. Its distinctiveness lies in the option to wear it in multiple ways – it’s a piece that evolves with you.

The necklace can be wrapped multiple times around your neck, creating various shapes and patterns. You can finish it off with an elegant clasp or simply wear it as a long and expressive pendant. The braided cord with delicate details adds coziness and warmth, while the gold-plated brass heart pendant reveals your personal playfulness and love for details.

What sets this necklace apart is not only its versatile wear but also its length – 120 cm. This provides ample room to create different stylish looks and experiment with various elements of your style.


gold plated, Silver plated